Cat sitting in Inárcs

Found 106 pet sitters

Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at Bébicső! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Inárcs who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.

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Boglárka P.

1,600 Ft/hour 5,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 19 years
  • Vecsés

Boglárka P.

1,600 Ft/hour 5,000Ft/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Dear pet owners! I love and respect animals since I was a child, I have two dogs and a parrot myself. I have experience with rodents as well. I’m happy to take care of yours t...

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Noémi B.

1,400 Ft/hour 6,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 20 years
  • Pécel

Noémi B.

1,400 Ft/hour 6,000Ft/day
  • Document verified

Dear pet owners! I offer pet sitting services for your beloved animals, so you can take care of yourself with peace of mind. I always loved animals, and wanted to make them feel...

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Csenge V.

2,200 Ft/hour 14,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 19 years
  • Vecsés

Csenge V.

2,200 Ft/hour 14,000Ft/day
  • Document verified

I've always been passionate about animals since childhood and have experience in taking care of them. I have looked after the pets of my family and friends, and I also have a ki...

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Virág V.

2,400 Ft/hour 13,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 26 years
  • Dabas

Virág V.

2,400 Ft/hour 13,000Ft/day
  • Document verified

Dear owners! I have been around a lot of animals in my life, being a country girl. But of course I also have experience in caring for pets. We are currently living with 3 cats. ...

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Zsófia B.

2,200 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 20 years
  • Budapest

Zsófia B.

2,200 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dear pet owners! I’ve spent a lot of time around animals since I was little. I did horse riding for eight years so I kind of grew up around horses, dogs and cats. I also have a ...

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Andrea V.

4,000 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Budapest

Andrea V.

4,000 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hello! I’m Andie, who knows me knows that I love animals, no matter what species. Over time, I have had a few, including fish, parrots, hamsters, cats, dogs, and I also had a bu...

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Veronika B.

3,000 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 31 years
  • Budapest

Veronika B.

3,000 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
  • Document verified

Dear pet owners. I had several kind of pets over the years. I had a dog for 16 years(I grew up with him), many cats, some fish, a gecko and now I have a little bunny. I fancy ...

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Katalin Z.

1,000 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 40 years
  • Budapest

Katalin Z.

1,000 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I mostly work from home, in a home office, I can be with the dog a lot, I am a certified pet sitter. I regularly take care of other dogs, and I also help animal rescuers in rais...

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Adrienn B.

3,000 Ft/hour 15,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Budapest

Adrienn B.

3,000 Ft/hour 15,000Ft/day
  • Document verified

Honestly I don't know where to begin. I grew up near animals, I've made my first steps while hold on a 80kg caucasian. Later it continued, I've learned a lot about biology and ...

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Gabriella S.

3,600 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 41 years
  • Budapest

Gabriella S.

3,600 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dear Owners! It may seem like a scheme, but I've really been a fan of animals since I was a child. I grew up with dogs, cats, a rabbit and a turkey and I really enjoyed it, they...

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Eszter D.

1,200 Ft/hour 3,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 18 years
  • Dunaharaszti

Eszter D.

1,200 Ft/hour 3,000Ft/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Ever since I was a child, we've always had some pets. We currently have two cats and one dog. I love animals and they usually like me too. I like playing with them and I don't m...

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Renáta S.

2,000 Ft/hour 7,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 33 years
  • Budapest

Renáta S.

2,000 Ft/hour 7,000Ft/day
  • Document verified

Gyermekkorom óta imádom az állatokat és 12 éve nevelem, ellátom, tanítom és szeretem a saját kutyáimat. Ha a házi kedvenced nem jön ki más állatokkal, megoldható, hogy egyedüli ...

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Szántó B.

2,000 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 23 years
  • Üllő

Szántó B.

2,000 Ft/hour 10,000Ft/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Szeretem az állatokat es nagyon jol el vagyok veluk ,el jatszom veluk ,setalok veluk es kepes vagyok veluk is aludni ha kell!

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Zsuzsanna S.

3,600 Ft/hour 15,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 47 years
  • Délegyháza

Zsuzsanna S.

3,600 Ft/hour 15,000Ft/day
  • Document verified

Kedves Gazdik! Szívesen vállalok cicával kapcsolatos feladatokat, segítséget nyújtok, ha felügyelet kell. Saját cicámat 17 éve gondozom, nagyon szeretem. Van egy német juhász ku...

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Kriszta K.

3,000 Ft/hour 16,000Ft/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 57 years
  • Budapest

Kriszta K.

3,000 Ft/hour 16,000Ft/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Kedves ÁllatGazdik! Pici gyermekkorom óta kedvelem és óvom az állatokat, sokukat mentettem meg, amire nagyon büszke vagyok. Szívem szerint sok állatot tartanék, de ismerem enne...

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