Tutoring Inárcs
Found 25 tutors
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Hanna L.
Hanna L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I tutor in English, Literature, Biology and Mathematics. I don’t have a teacher’s degree, but I took my final exams this year and I made over 80% on every subject I listed. I’m ...

Melinda V.
Melinda V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I would like to offer my services as an English teacher. I can Help you to improve your vocabulary, understand the grammar and gain the confidence to talk in English.

Eszter D.
Eszter D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I study in a vocational high school. I'm currently in my 12th year as a graphic design major. I often explain more problematic parts of the curriculum to my classmates, usually ...

Eszter S.
Eszter S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I have experience in teaching English. I am a certified English teacher. I prefer to teach elementary school children (and pensioners), but I have taught every possible age grou...

Antónia N.
Antónia N.
- Document verified
Korrepetáltam már általános iskolába járó és gimnáziumi diákot is matekból, de hátrányos helyzetű és beteg gyerekeket is tanítottam már.

Korinna J.
Korinna J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience in tutoring students in English and History, but I'm also a big help in Maths. I have an advanced Matura exam in English and History, so I have a deeper unders...

Nikolett S.
Nikolett S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Pedagógiai asszisztens végzettséggel rendelkezem! Óvodás korú és alsó tagozatos gyerekekkel tudok vállalni gyakorlást, pótlásokat, játékos fejlesztést!

Fanni B.
Fanni B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Matematika korrepetálásban van tapasztalatom. Első osztálytól a gimnáziumi matemakiáig bármit szívesen korrepetálok. Kicsi koromtól kezdve mindig is érdeklődtem a matematika irá...

Viktória K.
Viktória K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
📘 About the class • The first session is free, since my goal is to assess the student’s knowledge level and objectives regarding the subject. • Lesson structure: short theoretic...

Andrea H.
Andrea H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I can help to prepare for the secondary school graduation in Hungarian Literature, Grammar and History. From English only on B1 level. On the other hand in Math untill 7th grade...

Sára H.
Sára H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I primarily tutor in math and english, I’m taking my advanced finals in these two subjects. My knowledge is thorough, i have a deep understanding of both subjects. I have three ...

Hajnalka P.
Hajnalka P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Pedagógiai-és családsegítő asszisztensi, illetve népi játszóházvezetői végzetséggel rendelkezem. Több éves óvodai, iskolai tapasztalattal rendelkezem. Gyermektáborokat, hétvégi ...

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