Tutoring Győrújbarát

Found 6 tutors

Choose a tutor in Győrújbarát. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see other families' ratings.

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Dávid B.

2,000 Ft/hour  Hungarian  English
  • 32 years
  • Győr

Dávid B.

2,000 Ft/hour  Hungarian  English
  • Document verified

Cooking from scratch! In a pot, pan, with salt, sugar... But what, how much and for how long? Show your friends and partner that you can make it too.

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Anna L.

2,200 Ft/hour  Math  Hungarian  English +2  Admission high school
  • 18 years
  • Győr

Anna L.

2,200 Ft/hour  Math  Hungarian  English  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine

I am currently an 18-year-old high school student, and I have completed my studies to the maximum. I would be happy to help in order to facilitate the learning of primary school...

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Anna H.

3,000 Ft/hour  English  Admission high school
  • 23 years
  • Győr

Anna H.

3,000 Ft/hour  English  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I’m a resident of Győr, and I’m happy to offer English tutoring for elementary school children. While I’m a beginner in this field, I have already helped a similar-aged child in...

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Hanna B.

1,400 Ft/hour  Math  Guitar  Admission high school
  • 21 years
  • Győr

Hanna B.

1,400 Ft/hour  Math  Guitar  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Matematika korrepetálásban van tapasztalatom, középiskolai felvételi felkészítésben. De érettségire is szívesen segítek felkészíteni diákokat.

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Linda M.

2,600 Ft/hour  Math  English  Physics
  • 30 years
  • Győr

Linda M.

2,600 Ft/hour  Math  English  Physics

I would be happy to help in englis too. My main experience is about chemistry. Mostly i help for primary schoolers. I'm patient and kind. Keeping focus on, what is your child n...

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Heni S.

1,000 Ft/hour  Math  Hungarian  Physics +3  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • 46 years
  • Győrújbarát

Heni S.

1,000 Ft/hour  Math  Hungarian  Physics  Admission high school  Final exam high school

Általanos iskolai és középiskolai korrepetálásban, gyógypedagógiai felmérésben, tantárgykorrekció, felvételi felkészítésben, érettségi felkészítésben van tapasztalatom.( matemat...

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