Pet sitting SzabĂłtanya
Found 6 pet sitters
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Beatrix B.
1,800 Ft/hour
Beatrix B.
1,800 Ft/hour
- Document verified
Since I was a child, we always had pets in the family. The family Doberman, many cats, a pair of budgies, hamsters, a gerbil, and a tortoise that lived to a ripe old age. I also...

Krisztina S.
2,800 Ft/hour
Krisztina S.
2,800 Ft/hour
- Document verified
I always had cats from my childhood. Now Iâm a owner of two lovely cats and we adopted a stray dog a few mouths ago. My daughter adores lories, so we also have one. We are leavi...

Gabriella A.
2,600 Ft/hour
Gabriella A.
2,600 Ft/hour
- Document verified
Kedves ĂĄllattartĂłk, sokszĂnƱ tapasztalatom van az ĂĄllatokkal kapcsolatban mivel 4-en vagyunk testvĂ©rek. Ăgy tapasztalatom van a kis rĂĄgcsĂĄloktĂłl a nagytestƱ kutyĂĄkig. Egy nyĂĄri...

Nappali tagozatos egyetemi hallgatĂł vagyok, Ăgy a hĂ©tköznapjaim labilisak, azonban megbeszĂ©lĂ©s alapjĂĄn lehet szĂł arrĂłl is.