Pet sitting Forráskút
Found 115 pet sitters
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Nikolett T.
Nikolett T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear Pet Owners, I am happy to supervise and walk small and medium-sized dogs. I also have two 20 kgs dogs and I love them more than anything. I would like the owners and the do...

Fruzsina V.
Fruzsina V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear Dog Owner, My name is Fruzsina, I’m the owner of a small wire-haired dachshund named Zengő. I’d be happy to walk your dog, especially if it’s friendly—it could even join mi...

Barbara K.
Barbara K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet keeper! I really like pets, especially dogs. I have a dog and a cat. I used to keep fish and hamsters. I am happy to take the dog for a walk.

Larissza S.
Larissza S.
I love animals, especially cats. I would say I am a cat person because I grew up with one. I know they nature, I can easily tell what they need by their behaviour and if they ha...

Többnyire hétfőn/kedden/szerdán tartózkodom Budapesten, de igény szerint rugalmasan tudjuk alakítani az időbeosztást.