 Pet Sit Photos
  • 54 years
  • Szolnok
  • 17 users have already contacted her
  • She sends photos from pet sitting.
  • Activity 15 days ago
  • Response time: 9 hours
  •  Óvónőképző Szakközépiskola
  •  Óvónőképző Főiskola
  •  Overnight stay at my home
  •  Overnight stay at dogs (cats...) home
  •  Visit & play
  •  Dog walking
  •  Over the day at my home
  •  Small (up to 5kg)
  •  Medium (up to 25kg)
  •  Big (up to 40kg)
  •  Giant (over 40kg)
  •  Junior
  •  Adult
  •  Senior
  •  I have no cat
  •  I have no dog
  •  I have no children 0-5
  •  I have no children 6-12

Mónika B.

2,600 Ft/hour


  • 54 years

She passed document verification (ID or DL)

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About me

Dear Pet Owner! Up until now, my life has almost always been connected with pets. We had a kitten, a dog, a hamster, a guinea pig, a bunny, a turtle, a chameleon, and a hunting ferret - which can be kept in the apartment, even by my now-grown children. We also had our own, but I was also a temporary adopter several times, or we had just rescued an animal. In addition, I also looked after the pets of acquaintances, family members, and friends, for example when they were away (travel or work - pet daycare/nursery). I love them very much and they love me. At the moment, I don't have any animals, so during the supervision of your little pet, I can only take care of him/her as much as possible.
I deal with your pet in a green area, in a closed yard, in an apartment with a closed terrace, so it is with me and not in a kennel or in a separate place. The price applies to each started day, so the round is at midnight (lasts from midnight to midnight).

What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet

Before taking care of your pet, I would of course ask for all important information. His/her schedule, meals, special requests or habits, needs, leash-walking, room cleanliness... How he/she behaves with strangers, other animals... etc., is all important information.


English and Hungarian

Angol társalgási szint


Óvodapedagógus diploma, Élménypedagógia játékvezető, Családi napközi vezető, gyerek party szervező,

Where care:

Primary city: Szolnok » Szolnok

Where am I available too?: Budapest

Rugalmas időbeosztásban és előzetes egyeztetéssel bármelyik városban.