Babysitter who will practice English with your children in Vitéztelek
Found 5 sitters
Looking for an English speaking babysitter? Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters with English who will not only look after your children in Vitéztelek, but also practice English together in a fun way.
Dominika D.
Dominika D.
- Document verified
ĂpolĂłkĂ©nt vĂ©geztem, majd 1 Ă©vig ĂrorszĂĄgban bĂ©biszitterkedtem. KĂ©t aranyos gyerekkel (3 hĂł Ă©s 3 Ă©v) sokat jĂĄtszottunk, sĂ©tĂĄltunk. TĂŒrelmes vagyok, kreatĂv programokkal sosem una...

JĂĄzmin K.
JĂĄzmin K.
- Document verified
KisgyermekgondozĂł-nevelĆ szakon tanulok jelenleg. Mist mĂ©g bölcsĆdĂ©ben vagyok gyakorlaton mĂĄr. 3.Ă©ve Ășgyhogy van mĂĄr tapasztalatom gyerekekkel. Van egy 15 Ă©ves hĂșgom Ă©s egy 7 Ă©v...

Bernadett K.
Bernadett K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am currently studying at Széchenyi Istvån University faculty of special needs education. I really like being around children and playing with them. I take care of my cousins a...

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