Cleaning and babysitting lady in Inárcsi Szőllőtelep
Found 48 sitters
Are you looking for babysitting and cleaning in one? Discover the world of babysitting and cleaning at Bébicső Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters in Inárcsi Szőllőtelep who will not only look after your children, but also clean up at the same time. And it pays off!
Brigitta L.
Brigitta L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I graduated from a catering school, but I quickly realized that it was not my field. I have been working with children since April of this year. At first I looked after a 2-year...
Krisztina H.
Krisztina H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Kriszta vagyok, pedagógus végzettségem van. Foglalkoztam óvodás korú, kisiskolás és felsős tanulókkal is. Tartottam zeneovis-kreatív foglalkozásokat, napközis felügyeletet, mate...
Barbara K.
Barbara K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I born in a big family with four siblings, and of course i had babysitters myself when I was a young child. My parents are still in a loving relationship, they taught me how to ...
Johanna D.
Johanna D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Egészen fiatal korom óta foglalkozom gyermekek felügyeletével. Először 2 fiatalabb testvéremre vigyáztam, később már a környezetemben élők is rám bízták gyermekeiket. Van speciá...